R/ASEP functions.R

Defines functions plot_ASE_diff plot_ASE differential_ASE_detection ASE_detection two_conditions_analysis_Gene one_condition_analysis_Gene modelFit phasing

Documented in ASE_detection differential_ASE_detection modelFit one_condition_analysis_Gene phasing plot_ASE plot_ASE_diff two_conditions_analysis_Gene

# Utility Functions
# Author: Jiaxin Fan

#' @title Haplotype pseudo alignment
#' @description This function is used to obtain the pseudo haplotype phase of the RNA-seq data for a given gene, and align the major alleles across individuals.
#' @param dat: bulk RNA-seq dataset of a given gene. Must contain variables:
#'             \itemize{
#'                \item One condition analysis: \cr
#'                  - `id`: character, individual identifier; \cr
#'                  - `ref`: numeric, the snp-level read counts for the reference allele if the haplotype phase of the data is unknown, and the snp-level read counts for allele aligned on paternal/maternal haplotype if haplotype phase is known;\cr
#'                  - `total`: numeric, snp-level total read counts for both alleles;\cr
#'                \item Two conditions analysis:  \cr
#'                  - `id`: character, individual identifier; \cr
#'                  - `snp`: character, the name/chromosome location of the heterzygous genetic variants; \cr
#'                  - `ref`: numeric, the snp-level read counts for the reference allele if the haplotype phase of the data is unknown, and the snp-level read counts for allele aligned on the same paternal/maternal haplotype for both conditions if haplotype phase is known;\cr
#'                  - `total`: numeric, snp-level total read counts for both alleles;\cr
#'                  - `group`: character, the condition each RNA-seq sample is obtained from (i.e., pre- vs post-treatment); \cr
#'                  - `ref_condition`: character, the condition used as the reference for pseudo haplotype phasing; \cr
#'             }
#' @param phased: a logical value indicates whether the haplotype phase of the data is known or not. Default is FALSE
#' @param n_condition: a character string indicates whether the RNA-seq data contains data from only one condition or two conditions (i.e. normal vs diseased). Possible values are "one" or "two". Default is "one"
#' @return The psudo-phased RNA-seq data, with one more column "major" indicates the read counts for major alleles aligned across individuals
#' @export
#' @import stats

phasing<-function(dat, phased=FALSE, n_condition="one"){
  if (phased){
    if (n_condition == "one"){
      diff<-aggregate(ref-total/2 ~ id, dat, sum)
      # phase==1 means need to flip
      # merge the phase information with the raw data
    else if (n_condition == "two"){
      if("ref_condition" %in% colnames(dat)){
        ref_condition = unique(dat$ref_condition)
        if(length(ref_condition) == 1 & ref_condition %in% dat$group){
            diff<-aggregate(ref-total/2 ~ id, dat_ref, sum)
            # merge the phase information with the raw data
            stop('Error: reference condition is not correctly specified.')
        stop('Error: input data should contain column "ref_condition".')
      stop('Error: "condition" only takes value "one" or "two".')
  else if (!phased){
    if (n_condition == "one"){
    else if (n_condition == "two"){
      if("ref_condition" %in% colnames(dat)){
        ref_condition = unique(dat$ref_condition)
        if(length(ref_condition) == 1 & ref_condition %in% dat$group){
          # merge the phase information with the raw data, 'snp' must be differentiable
          dat_phase<- merge(dat, phasesub, by=c('id','snp'))
          stop('Error: reference condition is not correctly specified.')
        stop('Error: input data should contain column "ref_condition".')
      stop('Error: "condition" only takes value "one" or "two".')
    stop('Error: "phased" must be a boolean.')
  # 1 means need to flip
  dat_phase$major = dat_phase$ref
  dat_phase<-within(dat_phase, major[phase==1] <- total[phase==1]-ref[phase==1])
  dat_phase = dat_phase[ , !(names(dat_phase) %in% c("phase"))]

#' @title Model Fitting
#' @description This function is used to fit the generalized linear mixed-effect model through nonparametric maximum likelihood estimation for a given gene.
#' @param dat_phase: Psudo-phased bulk RNA-seq data of a given gene
#' @param n_condition: a character string indicates whether to perform one condition analysis or two conditions analysis. Possible values are "one" or "two". Default is "one"
#' @param resampled_data: a logical value indicates whether the data analyzed is obtained from resampling or not. Used only for two conditions analysis. Default is FALSE
#' @param varList: a character string specifies fomula of covariates that users want to adjusted in the model, e.g., "`var1`+`var2`". Default is NULL
#' @return
#'    \itemize{
#'                \item One condition analysis: likelihood ratio test (LRT) statistic;\cr
#'                \item Two conditions analysis: \cr
#'                  - original data: estimated ASE effect in the pooled sample & likelihood ratio test (LRT) statistic; \cr
#'                  - resampled data: likelihood ratio test (LRT) statistic;\cr
#'    }
#' @export
#' @import npmlreg lme4

modelFit<-function(dat_phase, n_condition="one", resampled_data=FALSE, varList=NULL){
  if (n_condition == "one"){
      np = allvc(cbind(major,(total-major))~1,random=~1|id,
                 family=binomial(link=logit), data=dat_phase, k=2,
                 random.distribution='np',plot.opt = 0, verbose = FALSE)
      mod = tryCatch(suppressMessages({glmer(cbind(major,(total-major)) ~ (1|id),
                                    family=binomial(link=logit), data=dat_phase)}),
                     error = function(e){return(NULL)})
      fom1 <<- as.formula(paste('cbind(major,(total-major))~',varList,sep=''))
      fom2 <<- as.formula(paste('cbind(major,(total-major))~ (1|id) +',varList,sep=''))
      np = allvc(formula = fom1, random=~1|id,
                 family=binomial(link=logit), data=dat_phase, k=2,
                 random.distribution='np',plot.opt = 0, verbose = FALSE)
      mod = tryCatch(suppressMessages({glmer(fom2,family=binomial(link=logit), data=dat_phase)}),
                     error = function(e){return(NULL)})
    # check model convergence, need to rule out scenario where there is not enough sample for model fitting and cause some parameters to be NA
      if(np$EMconverged & summary(mod)$optinfo$conv$opt==0 & sum(is.na(np$coefficients))==0){
        logl1 = np$disparity
        logl0 = as.vector(summary(mod)$devcomp$cmp['dev'])
        lrt = logl0-logl1
  else if (n_condition == "two"){
      np = allvc(cbind(major,(total-major))~1,random=~group|id,
                 family=binomial(link=logit),data=dat_phase, k=2,
                 random.distribution='np', plot.opt = 0, verbose = FALSE)
      mod = allvc(cbind(major,(total-major))~1,random=~1|id,
                  family=binomial(link=logit), data=dat_phase, k=2,
                  random.distribution='np',plot.opt = 0, verbose = FALSE)
      fom1 <<- as.formula(paste('cbind(major,(total-major))~',varList,sep=''))
      np = allvc(formula = fom1, random=~group|id,
                 family=binomial(link=logit),data=dat_phase, k=2,
                 random.distribution='np', plot.opt = 0, verbose = FALSE)
      mod = allvc(formula = fom1, random=~1|id,
                  family=binomial(link=logit), data=dat_phase, k=2,
                  random.distribution='np',plot.opt = 0, verbose = FALSE)
    # check model convergence
    if(np$EMconverged & mod$EMconverged & sum(is.na(np$coefficients))==0 & sum(is.na(mod$coefficients))==0){
        logl1 = np$disparity
        logl0 = mod$disparity
        lrt = logl0-logl1
        name_group = grep("group",names(np$coefficients),value=TRUE)[1]
        # obtain the homozygous and heterozygous cis-rSNP group prediction
        # individual from homozygous cis group should have lower ASE, therefore, smaller mean than people from heterozygous group
          if(np$coefficients[names(np$coefficients) == "MASS1"] <= np$coefficients[names(np$coefficients) == "MASS2"]){
          sumup<-aggregate(cbind(major,total) ~ id, dat_phase, sum)
          pool=data.frame(sumup$id, sumup$major/sumup$total)
          dat_allpoolp=merge(dat_phase, newprob, by="id")
    stop('Error: "condition" only takes value "one" or "two".')

#' @title Perform ASE analysis in the population for a given gene
#' @description This function is used to perform ASE detection for one condition analysis of a given gene.
#' @param dat: bulk RNA-seq data of a given gene. Must contain variables:
#'             \itemize{
#'                  \item `id`: character, individual identifier;
#'                  \item `ref`: numeric, the snp-level read counts for the reference allele if the haplotype phase of the data is unknown, and the snp-level read counts for allele aligned on paternal/maternal haplotype if haplotype phase is known;
#'                  \item `total`: numeric, snp-level total read counts for both alleles;
#'             }
#' @param phased: a logical value indicates whether the haplotype phase of the data is known or not. Default is FALSE
#' @param varList: a character string specifies formula of covariates that users want to adjusted in the model. An example could be "`var1`+`var2`". Default is NULL
#' @param n_resample: a numeric value indicates the maximum number of resamplings performed to obtain estimated p-value. Default is 10^6
#' @param adaptive: a logical value indicates whether the resampling is done through an adaptive procedure or not. Only applies when n_resample >= 10^3. Default is TRUE \cr
#'     By adaptive, it means first do 1000 resamplings, if the estimated p-value < 0.1, increase the number of resampling, by a factor of 10, to 10^4.
#'     if then the estimated p-value < 0.01, increase the number of resampling again, by a factor of 10, to 10^5.
#'     The procedure continuous until reaches the maximum number of resampling. \cr
#' @param parallel: a logical value indicates whether do parallel computing for the resampling precedure or not. Default is FALSE
#' @param n_core: a numeric value indicates number of clusters used for parallel computing when parameter "parallel" is set to TRUE. Default is 1
#' @return A vector with two elements:
#'       \itemize{
#'          \item `LRT statistic`: numeric, the likelihood ratio test (LRT) statistics of ASE effect;
#'          \item `p-value`: the estimated p-value of the LRT statistic;
#'       }
#' @import parallel

one_condition_analysis_Gene <- function(dat, phased=FALSE, varList=NULL, n_resample=10^6, adaptive=TRUE, parallel=FALSE, n_core=1){
  # check data
  if (!(all(c("id","ref","total") %in% colnames(dat)))){
      stop('Error: Data must contain columns: "id","ref","total".')
  # analysis
  dat_phase<-phasing(dat=dat, phased=phased, n_condition="one")
  dat_phase$total = as.numeric(as.character(dat_phase$total))
  lrt = modelFit(dat_phase=dat_phase, n_condition="one", varList=varList)
    if((!parallel) & (!adaptive)){
        # separate all resamplings to subtasks to avoid memory outage
          t = n_resample %/% (5*10^4)
          r = n_resample %% (5*10^4)
          if(r == 0){
            simulationList = c(rep(5*10^4, times=t))
            simulationList = c(rep(5*10^4, times=t), r)
          simulationList = n_resample
        n_sig = 0
        n_total = 0
        for(simulation in simulationList){
          xgene <- sapply(dat_phase$total,function(x){rbinom(n=simulation,size=x,prob=0.5)})
          testnull <- apply(xgene,1,function(x){
            dat_resam<-data.frame(ref,dat_phase[ , !(names(dat_phase) %in% c("ref","major"))])
            dat_resam_phase<-phasing(dat = dat_resam, phased=phased, n_condition="one")
            lrtn = modelFit(dat_phase = dat_resam_phase, n_condition="one", varList=varList)
          n_sig = n_sig + sum(ifelse(testnull>=lrt,1,0))
          n_total = n_total + length(testnull)
        pvalue<- n_sig/n_total

    if((!parallel) & adaptive){
        if(n_resample<10^3){stop('Error: adaptive function only applies when n_resample >= 1000.')}
        n_1 = log(n_resample,base=10)
        n_2 = floor(n_1)
          t = (n_resample-10^4) %/% (5*10^4)
          r = (n_resample-10^4) %% (5*10^4)
          if(r == 0){
            simulationList = c(10^3, 9*10^3, rep(5*10^4,t))
            simulationList = c(10^3, 9*10^3, rep(5*10^4,t),r)
            simulationList = c(10^3, diff(10^(3:n_2)))
            simulationList = c(10^3, diff(10^(3:n_2)), n_resample-10^n_2)
        n_sig = 0
        n_total = 0
        for(i in 1:length(simulationList)){
          n_resample_total = sum(simulationList[1:i])
          simulation <- simulationList[i]
            dat_resam<-data.frame(ref,dat_phase[ , !(names(dat_phase) %in% c("ref","major"))])
            dat_resam_phase<-phasing(dat=dat_resam, phased=phased, n_condition="one")
            lrtn = modelFit(dat_phase=dat_resam_phase, n_condition="one", varList=varList)
          testnull <- na.omit(testnull)
          n_sig = n_sig + sum(ifelse(testnull>=lrt,1,0))
          n_total = n_total + length(testnull)
          pvalue<- n_sig/n_total
          pvaluecutoff <- 100/n_resample_total
          if(pvaluecutoff <= pvalue){

    if(parallel & (!adaptive)){
      # separate all resamplings to subtasks to avoid memory outage
          t = n_resample %/% (10^5)
          r = n_resample %% (10^5)
          if(r == 0){
            simulationList = c(rep(10^5, times=t))
            simulationList = c(rep(10^5, times=t), r)
          simulationList = n_resample
      n_sig = 0
      n_total = 0
      for(simulation in simulationList){
          xgene <- sapply(dat_phase$total,function(x){rbinom(n=simulation,size=x,prob=0.5)})
          clusterExport(clus,list('dat_phase','phasing','modelFit','varList','allvc'), envir=environment())
            dat_resam<-data.frame(ref,dat_phase[ , !(names(dat_phase) %in% c("ref","major"))])
            dat_resam_phase<-phasing(dat = dat_resam, phased=phased, n_condition="one")
            lrtn = modelFit(dat_phase = dat_resam_phase, n_condition="one",varList=varList)
          n_sig = n_sig + sum(ifelse(testnull>=lrt,1,0))
          n_total = n_total + length(testnull)
        pvalue<- n_sig/n_total

    if(parallel & adaptive){
      if(n_resample<10^3){stop('Error: adaptive function only applies when n_resample >= 1000.')}
      n_1 = log(n_resample,base=10)
      n_2 = floor(n_1)
          t = (n_resample-10^5) %/% (10^5)
          r = (n_resample-10^5) %% (10^5)
          if(r == 0){
            simulationList = c(10^3, 9*10^3, 9*10^4, rep(10^5,t))
            simulationList = c(10^3, 9*10^3, 9*10^4, rep(10^5,t),r)
            simulationList = c(10^3, diff(10^(3:n_2)))
            simulationList = c(10^3, diff(10^(3:n_2)), n_resample-10^n_2)
      n_sig = 0
      n_total = 0
      for(i in 1:length(simulationList)){
          n_resample_total = sum(simulationList[1:i])
          simulation <- simulationList[i]
          clusterExport(clus,list('dat_phase','phasing','modelFit','varList','allvc'), envir=environment())
            dat_resam<-data.frame(ref,dat_phase[ , !(names(dat_phase) %in% c("ref","major"))])
            dat_resam_phase<-phasing(dat = dat_resam, phased=phased, n_condition="one")
            lrtn = modelFit(dat_phase = dat_resam_phase, n_condition="one", varList=varList)
          n_sig = n_sig + sum(ifelse(testnull>=lrt,1,0))
          n_total = n_total + length(testnull)
          pvalue<- n_sig/n_total
          pvaluecutoff <- 100/n_resample_total
          if(pvaluecutoff <= pvalue){
  return(c("LRT statistic" = lrt, "p-value" = pvalue))

#' @title Perform differential ASE analysis in the population for a given gene
#' @description This function is used to perform differential ASE detection for two conditions analysis of a given gene.
#' @param dat: bulk RNA-seq data of a given gene. Must contain variables \cr
#'       \itemize{
#'           \item `id`: character, individual identifier;
#'           \item `snp`: character, the name/chromosome location of the heterzygous genetic variants;
#'           \item `ref`: numeric, the snp-level read counts for the reference allele if the haplotype phase of the data is unknown, and the snp-level read counts for allele aligned on the same paternal/maternal haplotype for both conditions if haplotype phase is known;
#'           \item `total`: numeric, snp-level total read counts for both alleles;
#'           \item `group`: character, the condition each RNA-seq sample is obtained from (i.e., pre- vs post-treatment);
#'           \item `ref_condition`: character, the condition used as the reference for pseudo haplotype phasing;
#'       }
#' @param phased: a logical value indicates whether the haplotype phase of the data is known or not. Default is FALSE
#' @param varList: a character string specifies fomula of covariates that users want to adjusted in the model. An example could be "`var1`+`var2`". Default is NULL
#' @param n_resample: a numeric value indicates the maximum number of resamplings performed to obtain estimated p-value. Default is 10^6
#' @param adaptive: a logical value indicates whether the resampling is done through an adaptive procedure or not. Only applies when n_resample >= 10^3. Default is TRUE \cr
#'     By adaptive, it means first do 1000 resamplings, if the estimated p-value < 0.1, increase the number of resampling, by a factor of 10, to 10^4.
#'     if then the estimated p-value < 0.01, increase the number of resampling again, by a factor of 10, to 10^5.
#'     The procedure continuous until reaches the maximum number of resampling. \cr
#' @param parallel: a logical value indicates whether do parallel computing for the resampling precedure or not. Default is FALSE
#' @param n_core: a numeric value indicates number of clusters used for parallel computing when parameter "parallel" is set to TRUE. Default is 1
#' @return A vector with two elements:
#'       \itemize{
#'          \item `LRT statistic`: numeric, the likelihood ratio test (LRT) statistics of differential ASE effect;
#'          \item `p-value`: the estimated p-value of the LRT statistic;
#'       }
#' @import parallel

two_conditions_analysis_Gene <- function(dat, phased=FALSE, varList=NULL, adaptive=TRUE, n_resample=10^6, parallel=FALSE, n_core=1){
  # check data
  if (all(c("ref","total","id","group","snp","ref_condition") %in% colnames(dat))){
    if (length(unique(dat$group))==2){
      # check if the data is paired
        if(!(2 %in% aggregate(group~id, dat, function(x){length(unique(x))})[,"group"])){
          stop('Error: data needs to be paired.')
        if(!(2 %in% aggregate(group~id+snp, dat, function(x){length(unique(x))})[,"group"])){
          stop('Error: data needs to be paired.')
      stop('Error: "group" must have 2 levels.')
    stop('Error: Data must contain columns: "id","snp","ref","total","group","ref_condition".')
  # analysis
  dat_phase<-phasing(dat=dat, phased=phased, n_condition="two")
  mod = modelFit(dat_phase=dat_phase, n_condition="two", resampled_data=FALSE, varList = varList)
  # model not converge
    lrt = mod
  # converge
    lrt = mod[[1]]
    dat_allpoolp = mod[[2]]

    if((!parallel) & (!adaptive)){
      # separate all resamplings to subtasks to avoid memory outage
        t = n_resample %/% (5*10^4)
        r = n_resample %% (5*10^4)
        if(r == 0){
          simulationList = c(rep(5*10^4, times=t))
          simulationList = c(rep(5*10^4, times=t), r)
        simulationList = n_resample
      n_sig = 0
      n_total = 0
      for(simulation in simulationList){
        testnull <- apply(xgene,1,function(x){
          dat_resam<-data.frame(ref,dat_allpoolp[ , !(names(dat_allpoolp) %in% c("ref","major","poolp"))])
          dat_resam_phase<-phasing(dat=dat_resam, phased=phased, n_condition="two")
          lrtn = modelFit(dat_phase=dat_resam_phase, n_condition="two", resampled_data=TRUE, varList=varList)
        n_sig = n_sig + sum(ifelse(testnull>=lrt,1,0))
        n_total = n_total + length(testnull)
      pvalue<- n_sig/n_total

    if(!parallel & adaptive){
      if(n_resample<10^3){stop('Error: adaptive function only applies when n_resample >= 1000.')}
      n_1 = log(n_resample,base=10)
      n_2 = floor(n_1)
        t = (n_resample-10^4) %/% (5*10^4)
        r = (n_resample-10^4) %% (5*10^4)
        if(r == 0){
          simulationList = c(10^3, 9*10^3, rep(5*10^4,t))
          simulationList = c(10^3, 9*10^3, rep(5*10^4,t),r)
          simulationList = c(10^3, diff(10^(3:n_2)))
          simulationList = c(10^3, diff(10^(3:n_2)), n_resample-10^n_2)
      n_sig = 0
      n_total = 0
      for(i in 1:length(simulationList)){
        n_resample_total = sum(simulationList[1:i])
        simulation <- simulationList[i]
          dat_resam<-data.frame(ref,dat_allpoolp[ , !(names(dat_allpoolp) %in% c("ref","major","poolp"))])
          dat_resam_phase<-phasing(dat = dat_resam, phased=phased, n_condition="two")
          lrtn = modelFit(dat_phase = dat_resam_phase, n_condition="two", resampled_data=TRUE,varList=varList)
        n_sig = n_sig + sum(ifelse(testnull>=lrt,1,0))
        n_total = n_total + length(testnull)
        pvalue<- n_sig/n_total
        pvaluecutoff <- 100/n_resample_total
        if(pvaluecutoff <= pvalue){

    if (parallel & !adaptive){
      # separate all resamplings to subtasks to avoid memory outage
        t = n_resample %/% (10^5)
        r = n_resample %% (10^5)
        if(r == 0){
          simulationList = c(rep(10^5, times=t))
          simulationList = c(rep(10^5, times=t), r)
        simulationList = n_resample
      n_sig = 0
      n_total = 0
      for(simulation in simulationList){
        clusterExport(clus,list('dat_allpoolp','phasing','modelFit','varList','allvc'), envir=environment())
          dat_resam<-data.frame(ref,dat_allpoolp[ , !(names(dat_allpoolp) %in% c("ref","major","poolp"))])
          dat_resam_phase<-phasing(dat = dat_resam, phased=phased, n_condition="two")
          lrtn = modelFit(dat_phase = dat_resam_phase, n_condition="two", resampled_data=TRUE, varList=varList)
        n_sig = n_sig + sum(ifelse(testnull>=lrt,1,0))
        n_total = n_total + length(testnull)
      pvalue<- n_sig/n_total

    if(parallel & adaptive){
      if(n_resample<10^3){stop('Error: adaptive function only applies when n_resample >= 1000.')}
      n_1 = log(n_resample,base=10)
      n_2 = floor(n_1)
        t = (n_resample-10^5) %/% (10^5)
        r = (n_resample-10^5) %% (10^5)
        if(r == 0){
          simulationList = c(10^3, 9*10^3, 9*10^4, rep(10^5,t))
          simulationList = c(10^3, 9*10^3, 9*10^4, rep(10^5,t),r)
          simulationList = c(10^3, diff(10^(3:n_2)))
          simulationList = c(10^3, diff(10^(3:n_2)), n_resample-10^n_2)
      n_sig = 0
      n_total = 0
      for(i in 1:length(simulationList)){
        n_resample_total = sum(simulationList[1:i])
        simulation <- simulationList[i]
        clusterExport(clus,list('dat_allpoolp','phasing','modelFit','varList','allvc'), envir=environment())
          dat_resam<-data.frame(ref,dat_allpoolp[ , !(names(dat_allpoolp) %in% c("ref","major","poolp"))])
          dat_resam_phase<-phasing(dat=dat_resam, phased=phased, n_condition="two")
          lrtn = modelFit(dat_phase = dat_resam_phase, n_condition="two", resampled_data=TRUE,varList=varList)
        n_sig = n_sig + sum(ifelse(testnull>=lrt,1,0))
        n_total = n_total + length(testnull)
        pvalue<- n_sig/n_total
        pvaluecutoff <- 100/n_resample_total
        if(pvaluecutoff <= pvalue){
  return(c("LRT statistic" = unname(lrt), "p-value" = pvalue))

#' @title Perform gene-level ASE analysis in the population across genes
#' @description This function is used to detect ASE genes under one condition given bulk RNA-seq data that may contain multiple genes.
#' @param dat_all: bulk RNA-seq data. Must contain variables: \cr
#'       \itemize{
#'           \item `gene`: character, gene name;
#'           \item `id`: character, individual identifier;
#'           \item `ref`: numeric, the snp-level read counts for the reference allele if the haplotype phase of the data is unknown, and the snp-level read counts for allele aligned on paternal/maternal haplotype if haplotype phase is known;
#'           \item `total`: numeric, snp-level total read counts for both alleles;
#'       }
#' @param phased: a logical value indicates whether the haplotype phase of the data is known or not. Default is FALSE
#' @param varList: a character string specifies fomula of covariates that users want to adjusted in the model. An example could be "`var1`+`var2`". Default is NULL
#' @param n_resample: a numeric value indicates the maximum number of resamplings performed to obtain estimated p-value. Default is 10^6
#' @param adaptive: a logical value indicates whether the resampling is done through an adaptive procedure or not. Only applies when n_resample >= 10^3. Default is TRUE \cr
#'     By adaptive, it means first do 1000 resamplings, if the estimated p-value < 0.1, increase the number of resampling, by a factor of 10, to 10^4.
#'     if then the estimated p-value < 0.01, increase the number of resampling again, by a factor of 10, to 10^5.
#'     The procedure continuous until reaches the maximum number of resampling.
#' @param parallel: a logical value indicates whether do parallel computing for the resampling precedure or not. Default is FALSE
#' @param n_core: a numeric value indicates number of clusters used for parallel computing when paramter "parallel" is set to TRUE. Default is 1
#' @param save_out: a logical value indicates whether to write out the result for each gene stepwisely to a txt file. Default is FALSE
#' @param name_out: a character string indicates the output file name when save_out is set to TRUE, with the format of "XXX.txt"
#' @return A matrix with three columns:
#'       \itemize{
#'          \item `gene`: character, gene name;
#'          \item `p-value`: the estimated p-value of the  likelihood ratio test (LRT) statistic;
#'       }
#' @export
#' @import parallel

ASE_detection <- function(dat_all, phased=FALSE, varList=NULL, adaptive=TRUE, n_resample=10^6, parallel=FALSE, n_core=1, save_out=FALSE, name_out=NULL){
  dat_all = as.data.frame(dat_all)
    write(c('gene','p-value'), re_out, sep="\t",append=TRUE,ncolumns=2)
  if ("gene" %in% colnames(dat_all)){
    dat_all$gene = as.character(dat_all$gene)
    for(gene in unique(dat_all$gene)){
      dat = dat_all[which(dat_all$gene==gene),]
      result = one_condition_analysis_Gene(dat=dat, phased=phased, varList=varList, adaptive=adaptive, n_resample=n_resample, parallel=parallel,n_core=n_core)
        write(c('gene'=gene, result[2]), re_out, sep="\t", append=TRUE, ncolumns=2)
        result_all = rbind(result_all,c('gene'=gene, result[2]))
    stop('Error: Data must contain column: "gene".')

#' @title Perform gene-level differential ASE analysis in the population across genes
#' @description This function is used to detect differential ASE genes between two conditions given bulk RNA-seq data that may contain multiple genes.
#' @param dat_all: bulk RNA-seq data. Must contain variables: \cr
#'       \itemize{
#'          \item `gene`: character, gene name;
#'          \item `id`: character, individual identifier;
#'          \item `snp`: character, the name/chromosome location of the heterzygous genetic variants;
#'          \item `ref`: numeric, the snp-level read counts for the reference allele if the haplotype phase of the data is unknown, and the snp-level read counts for allele aligned on the same paternal/maternal haplotype for both conditions if haplotype phase is known;
#'          \item `total`: numeric, snp-level total read counts for both alleles;
#'          \item `group`: character, the condition each RNA-seq sample is obtained from (i.e., pre- vs post-treatment);
#'          \item `ref_condition`: character, the condition used as the reference for pseudo haplotype phasing;
#'       }
#' @param phased: a logical value indicates whether the haplotype phase of the data is known or not. Default is FALSE
#' @param varList: a character string specifies fomula of covariates that users want to adjusted in the model. An example could be "`var1`+`var2`". Default is NULL
#' @param n_resample: a numeric value indicates the maximum number of resamplings performed to obtain estimated p-value. Default is 10^6
#' @param adaptive: a logical value indicates whether the resampling is done through an adaptive procedure or not. Default is TRUE \cr
#'     By adaptive, it means first do 1000 resamplings, if the estimated p-value < 0.1, increase the number of resampling, by a factor of 10, to 10^4.
#'     if then the estimated p-value < 0.01, increase the number of resampling again, by a factor of 10, to 10^5.
#'     The procedure continuous until reaches the maximum number of resampling.
#' @param parallel: a logical value indicates whether do parallel computing for the resampling precedure or not. Default is FALSE
#' @param n_core: a numeric value indicates number of clusters used for parallel computing when parameter "parallel" is set to TRUE. Default is 1
#' @param save_out: a logical value indicates whether to write out the result for each gene stepwisely to a txt file. Default is FALSE
#' @param name_out: a character string indicates the output file name when save_out is set to TRUE, with the format of "XXX.txt"
#' @return  A matrix with three columns:
#'       \itemize{
#'          \item `gene`: character, gene name;
#'          \item `p-value`: the estimated p-value of the likelihood ratio test (LRT) statistic;
#'       }
#' @export
#' @import parallel

differential_ASE_detection <- function(dat_all, phased=FALSE, varList=NULL, adaptive=TRUE, n_resample=10^6, parallel=FALSE, n_core=1, save_out=FALSE, name_out=NULL){
  dat_all = as.data.frame(dat_all)
    write(c('gene','p-value'), re_out, sep="\t",append=TRUE, ncolumns=2)
  if ("gene" %in% colnames(dat_all)){
    dat_all$gene = as.character(dat_all$gene)
    for(gene in unique(dat_all$gene)){
      dat = dat_all[which(dat_all$gene==gene),]
      if( "ref_condition" %in% colnames(dat)){
        ref_condition = unique(dat$ref_condition)
          result = two_conditions_analysis_Gene(dat=dat, phased=phased, varList=varList, adaptive=adaptive, n_resample=n_resample, parallel=parallel, n_core = n_core)
            write(c('gene'=gene,result[2]), re_out, sep="\t",append=TRUE,ncolumns=2)
            result_all = rbind(result_all,c('gene'=gene,result[2]))
          stop('Error: for each gene, there should be one and only one condition used as "ref_condition".')
        stop('Error: Data must contain column: "ref_condition".')
    stop('Error: Data must contain column: "gene".')

#' @title Boxplot of the estimated SNP-level ASE
#' @description This function is used to showed the estimated SNP-level ASE, i.e. major allele proportion,
#' for one condition sample across all individuals and SNPs after haplotype phasing.
#' The individuals are aligned based on an increasing trend of their median ASE across all snps for a given gene.
#' @param dat: bulk RNA-seq data of a given gene. Must contain variables: \cr
#'       \itemize{
#'          \item `gene`: character, gene name;
#'          \item `id`: character, individual identifier;
#'          \item `snp`: character, the name/chromosome location of the heterzygous genetic variants;
#'          \item `ref`: numeric, the snp-level read counts for the reference allele if the haplotype phase of the data is unknown, and the snp-level read counts for allele aligned on the same paternal/maternal haplotype for both conditions if haplotype phase is known;
#'          \item `total`: numeric, snp-level total read counts for both alleles;
#'       }
#' @param phased: a logical value indicates whether the haplotype phase of the data is known or not. Default is FALSE
#' @return The boxplot (ggplot2::geom_boxplot) of the estimated SNP-level ASE across individuals
#' @export
#' @import ggplot2

plot_ASE <- function(dat, phased=FALSE){
  if("gene" %in% colnames(dat)){
    gene = unique(dat$gene)
      stop('Error: the input should contain data for only one gene.')
      dat_phase = phasing(dat=dat, phased=phased, n_condition="one")
      dat_phase$id = as.character(dat_phase$id)
      dat_phase = subset(dat_phase, select=c('id','snp','gene','total','MAF'))
      dat_phase$MAF = as.numeric(as.character(dat_phase$MAF))
      dat_sort=aggregate(MAF ~ id ,data=dat_phase, median)
      g = ggplot(data=dat_phase,aes(y = MAF, x = id)) +
        geom_boxplot(aes(y = MAF, x = id, group=id)) +
          geom_point(data=dat_phase,aes(y = MAF, x = id, color=snp))+theme_classic()+
          geom_hline(yintercept = 0.5, linetype = "dashed",color='gray',size=1)+
          theme(plot.title = element_text(color="black", size=16, hjust=0.5),
                    axis.text.x = element_text(hjust = 0.5,size=12,angle=90,face="bold"),
                    axis.title.x = element_text(hjust = 0.5,size=14,face="bold"),
                    axis.text.y = element_text(size=12,face="bold"),
                    axis.title.y = element_text(size=14,face="bold"),
    stop('Error: Data must contain column: "gene".')

#' @title Boxplot of the estimated SNP-level ASE difference between two conditions
#' @description This function is used to showed the estimated SNP-level ASE difference, i.e. major allele proportion difference,
#' between two condition samples across all individuals and SNPs after haplotype phasing.
#' The individuals are aligned based on an increasing trend of their median ASE differences across all snps for a given gene.
#' @param dat: bulk RNA-seq data of a given gene. Must contain variables: \cr
#'       \itemize{
#'          \item `gene`: character, gene name;
#'          \item `id`: character, individual identifier;
#'          \item `snp`: character, the name/chromosome location of the heterzygous genetic variants;
#'          \item `ref`: numeric, the snp-level read counts for the reference allele if the haplotype phase of the data is unknown, and the snp-level read counts for allele aligned on the same paternal/maternal haplotype for both conditions if haplotype phase is known;
#'          \item `total`: numeric, snp-level total read counts for both alleles;
#'          \item `group`: character, the condition each RNA-seq sample is obtained from (i.e., pre- vs post-treatment);
#'          \item `ref_condition`: character, the condition used as the reference for pseudo haplotype phasing;
#'       }
#' @param phased: a logical value indicates whether the haplotype phase of the data is known or not. Default is FALSE
#' @param minu_ref: a logical value indicates when calculating the difference, whether the "ref_condition" should be treated as the minuend, i.e. the difference is calculated as estimated ASE for minuend_condition minus that for the other condition. Default is TRUE
#' @return The boxplot (ggplot2::geom_boxplot) of the estimated SNP-level ASE difference between two conditions across individuals
#' @export
#' @import ggplot2

plot_ASE_diff <- function(dat, phased=FALSE, minu_ref=TRUE){
  if("gene" %in% colnames(dat)){
    gene = unique(dat$gene)
      stop('Error: the input should contain data for only one gene.')
      if("ref_condition" %in% colnames(dat)){
        ref_condition = unique(dat$ref_condition)
        if(length(ref_condition) != 1){
          stop('Error: for each gene, there should be one and only one condition used as "ref_condition".')
          dat_phase = phasing(dat=dat, phased=phased, n_condition="two")
          dat_phase$id = as.character(dat_phase$id)
          dat_phase = subset(dat_phase, select=c('id','snp','gene','total','group','MAF'))
          level = unique(dat_phase$group)
            s1 = dat_phase[which(dat_phase$group!=ref_condition),]
            colnames(s1) = c('id','snp','gene','total','group',paste('MAF_',level[level != ref_condition], sep=''))
            s2 = dat_phase[which(dat_phase$group==ref_condition),]
            colnames(s2) = c('id','snp','gene','total','group',paste('MAF_',ref_condition, sep=''))
            s = merge(s1,s2,by=c('id','snp','gene'),all=T)
            s = na.omit(s)
              s$diff = unname(s[, names(s) %in% c(paste('MAF_',ref_condition, sep=''))]) -
                unname(s[, names(s) %in% c(paste('MAF_',level[level != ref_condition], sep=''))])
            }else if(!minu_ref){
              s$diff = unname(s[, names(s) %in% c(paste('MAF_',level[level != ref_condition], sep=''))])-
                unname(s[, names(s) %in% c(paste('MAF_',ref_condition, sep=''))])
              stop('Error: "minu_ref" must be a boolen.')
            dat_sort=aggregate(diff ~ id ,data=s, median)
            g = ggplot(data=s,aes(y = diff, x = id)) + geom_boxplot(aes(y = diff, x = id, group=id)) +
                geom_point(data=s,aes(y = diff, x = id, color=snp))+theme_classic()+
                geom_hline(yintercept = 0, linetype = "dashed",color='gray',size=1)+
                theme(plot.title = element_text(color="black", size=16, hjust=0.5),
                      axis.text.x = element_text(hjust = 0.5,size=12,angle=90,face="bold"),
                      axis.title.x = element_text(hjust = 0.5,size=14,face="bold"),
                      axis.text.y = element_text(size=12,face="bold"),
                      axis.title.y = element_text(size=14,face="bold"),
                ylab('ASE difference')+scale_x_discrete(limits=id_order)+labs(colour="SNP")+
            stop('Error: Input must and only contain data from two conditions.')
        stop('Error: Data must contain column: "ref_condition".')
    stop('Error: Data must contain column: "gene".')
Jiaxin-Fan/ASEP documentation built on Aug. 9, 2021, 6:39 a.m.